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Physics graduate student research

Reveal the Universe

With highly advanced computational and experimental facilities at your disposal, there’s nothing to hold you back from embarking on a journey at the forefront of modern science. At Lehigh, you will engage in cutting-edge research, have access to state-of-the-art instrumentation and research facilities, and work closely with professors who are recognized internationally for their expertise. 

Opportunities for specialization include:

  • Astrophysics
  • Atomic, molecular and optical physics
  • Biophysics
  • Complex fluids
  • Computational physics
  • Condensed matter physics
  • High-energy theory and cosmology
  • Photonics and Nonlinear optics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Statistical physics

Our graduate students initially complete a series of courses in the M.S. program, and then go on to work with a research advisor to develop a research project, publish their new scientific discoveries, write a dissertation, and finally obtain the Ph.D. degree.

Ph.D. candidates generally obtain their degree in 5 years of full-time study and research, with the possibility of adding a 6th year. During this period, students work closely with faculty and peers to carry out cutting-edge science, advance their field, contribute to scientific literature, and develop skills to tackle complex challenges. 

Program Specific Admissions Requirements

Ready for the Next Step?

Apply to the Physics graduate programs via the online graduate application.

Learn More about Physics at Lehigh