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Academic Advising

The College of Arts & Sciences has a faculty-led advising model. Faculty teach the courses and design the curricula, so who better to guide students in course selection and curriculum navigation? 

We also have a fully staffed Academic Advising Center, boasting a mix of faculty and professionally trained staff advisors. Email us at or come by 120 Williams Hall. 

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Have questions after speaking with your academic advisor? We're here to help! Ask a question in real time. 

Are you undecided?

Most students who enter the College are undecided about their major. We welcome all undecided students who are curious about the range of possibilities and majors available to them. If you are undecided, begin exploring the opportunities we offer and approach the task with an open mind. College courses are taught by instructors who are expert practitioners in their fields, and students can expect such courses to be more stimulating and challenging than what they experienced in high school. By keeping an open mind, you’ll learn how much broader the world is and exploring new disciplines will excite your curiosity. Talk to your academic advisor about what piques your interest so you don’t miss out on all everything we have to offer at the College of Arts and Sciences.

Do you already have a plan?

Students who enter the College with a plan can begin to take courses that advance them in their major. But, keep in mind, you will also benefit from exploring other possibilities. Most students change their major while at Lehigh, so you need options almost as much as undecided students need options. Options that will broaden your horizons, deepen your understanding, and show you just how much we have to offer.

Who's responsible for your education?

The ultimate responsibility for making course selections and for selecting a major is yours. We believe that it is essential for students to acquire ownership of their education, and to achieve this you must accept responsibility, inform oneself about options and requirements, and make decisions in a timely fashion or face the consequences. This allows you to develop skills for making decisions on your own that will ultimately make you a better learner and leader. Advisors provide guidance, but they do not make students' choices for them. It is up to you.

Reasonable expectations of the academic advisor

The College academic advisor is quite different from the high school guidance counselor. Advisors are, first and foremost, faculty members. Your advisor will be available to help you with academic issues but will expect you to get involved in your own educational process and to make your own choices. Your advisor will help you sort out your options and understand the consequences of decisions in light of rules, procedures, and program requirements but will leave it up to you. Your advisor will generally not solve your problems but will help you understand the issues, consider your resources, and test the feasibility and utility of different solutions.

Get the most out of the advising system

Students need to be informed about program requirements and important deadlines for certain actions (e.g., dropping a course). A student needs to be realistic about the advisor's availability and contact the advisor for assistance in a timely fashion. Email is the best method for initial contact, if only to arrange a time to meet. Course registration is done online at Lehigh, and it is important for you to know and follow the correct procedures. Registering late or incorrectly could lead to problems getting the courses you want. Be proactive—anticipate that decisions need to be made and be prepared to make them. Actively seek information from your advisor, course instructors, and department office staff as needed.

No single advisor knows everything or can answer every question, so it's important for the student to develop a reliable resource network. In addition to the advisor, instructors in courses the student finds interesting, faculty in major programs the student is considering, Career Services staff, Dean of Students personnel, and Associate Deans of the Colleges can be very worthwhile resources.

Advisors and Major Declaration

New students to the College of Arts and Sciences are assigned a non-major advisor, called the Mentor Advisor, who will assist with all of the early academic decisions a student must make. Once you declare a major, then you are assigned to a major advisor faculty member in the major program. Students can declare a major whenever they are ready, but we recommend declaring before your junior year for optimal registration advice in your chosen program. Many students declare majors sometime in their second semester on campus. To declare a major, contact the department coordinator of the major program to arrange an appointment to sit with a faculty advisor and declare.