The apprentice teaching program is designed to benefit juniors and seniors who wish to learn about teaching under the guidance of an experienced teacher. Apprentices often do a limited amount of supervised lecturing or leading of discussions, assist in making up and evaluating written assignments, and are available for individual consultation with students.
To participate in the apprentice teaching program a student must:
- Have an cumulative grade point average of 2.80 or better;
- Have completed, with a GPA of at least 3.3, at least two courses in the field in which apprentice teaching is done;
- Have previously taken for credit the course or its equivalent in which the apprentice teaching will be done;
A student may register for apprentice teaching only once each semester, only once in a given course, and only twice during a college career.
To register for apprentice teaching each student-teacher partnership will submit an Apprentice Teaching Contract, indicating the duties and obligations for approval to the department chair and the dean of the student’s college in which the course is taken; for the CAS please submit to for review by the undergraduate associate dean. This form must be submitted before the first day of classes in the semester. When approved, the student will be direct-enrolled in the appropriate Apprentice Teaching subject and number of credits by the Undergraduate Office.
To complete the course, the apprentice teachers must submit a written report of their experience to the supervising teacher, who will forward it to the Office of the Provost. Rules governing Apprentice Teaching may be found in the online catalog.