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Academic Plan Draft Worksheet

A successful four year academic experience takes planning.

An Academic Plan Draft is a helpful tool to plan ahead for future semesters and to 'try on' different majors or minors to determine what can be accomplished in an undergraduate career.  It is recommended that you share your academic plan draft with your advisor for review and feedback and as an aid to help you prepare for registration each semester.


  1. Choose the major(s) you would like to pursue.
  2. Download an academic plan draft worksheet and save it to your local files.
  3. Determine your catalog year and access the online catalog for that year to review the requirements in the "Undergraduate" tab.
    1. This is the year you started at Lehigh (ie: if you started in Fall 2019 your catalog year is 2019-2020).
    2. Choose "Previous Editions" link in the bottom left corner of the catalog home page for earlier catalog editions.
  4. Run a "what if" degree audit for your intended major to review how the courses you have already completed map onto the requirements.
  5. Using the online class search tool to review historically when courses are offered, sketch out the sequence in which you will complete requirements on the academic plan draft worksheet.

If you have questions or would like your academic plan draft review it is recommended that you reach out to the department directly, but you are also welcome to contact the CAS Academic Advising Center at

Other Information, FYI

  • Don't forget that you need to satisfy both the college requirements and those of your degree program!
  • If the major you would like to pursue has had a change in requirements in a more recent catalog since you started at Lehigh you may choose to opt into the new catalog requirements. To do that please work with the major department and Registration & Academic Services. The department will need to know so they can provide you the best academic guidance, and RAS will update your degree audit.