Modeling Electronic Processes
Lisa Fredin employs quantum mechanics to examine the chemical physics of catalytic materials.
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David Vicic is part of a $26 million NSF-funded research center focusing on sustainable refrigerants.
Nandini Deo was interviewed by BBC Urdu about the American election.
Huai-Dong Cao has been awarded a Simons Fellowship by the Simons Foundation.
Thomas Friedman, the internationally renowned and award-winning author, reporter, and columnist will deliver the annual Kenner Lecture on Cultural Understanding, Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 8:00 p.m.
This talk is intended as a response to Faruk Tabak’s sweeping study of the Mediterranean, The Waning of the Mediterranean 1550-1870: A Geohistorical Approach (2008). In the book Tabak argues that Mediterranean unity continued long past Braudel’s famous sixteenth century.